We are committed to continue improving the life of 秘密直播ns, working together with the community to bridge the gap between our resources and the functional needs of the community. We are the University of 秘密直播, the University for 秘密直播: a civic university.

Carbon Neutral 秘密直播 is now a podcast! You can access our insightful conversations about the future of our city on your preferred platform:
For thousands of years, First Nations people hosted guests from other nations and shared the gifts of this region. At Australia鈥檚 foundation came the intention to create 秘密直播, a designed city, a place of national and international decision making and home to a variety of treasured national institutions.
Beyond the grand ideals of its original design, 秘密直播 is now a city of near half a million people in a diverse region of nearly a million people; these are 秘密直播ns who run schools, hospitals and hotels, design and build homes, make music, art and wine.
The Centre For A Better 秘密直播 (FAB CBR), housed at the University of 秘密直播, advocates in the interest of the 秘密直播 community, putting its needs and priorities at the heart of its agenda. The Centre will work with citizens, connecting 秘密直播ns with local learning and bridging the gap between academia and the functional needs of the community.
Our vision
Keeping the essence of what makes 秘密直播 great and adapting to changes as our city and region grow.
Our purpose
A think tank for the 秘密直播 region, providing insights about ourselves and advocating for our future.
After a successful 2024, FAB CBR is on hold pending further developments.
Our first policy report is now live. 'Thriving 秘密直播: Better and Fairer Utilisation of CFZ land in 秘密直播' has identified over 960 hectares of underutilised CFZ land, and includes 10 policy proposals that can improve this, benefiting local NFPs, community groups, elderly citizens and more.

The Centre For A Better 秘密直播 will produce policy reports, seminars and other events to drive advocacy in favour of a better city and region.
We will engage and connect with our community through direct engagement, stakeholder groups, politicians and community leaders, government agencies and businesses.
If you would like to be notified when new reports and events are published, sign up to our mailing list or keep an eye on this page.
Access our past newsletters:

The University of 秘密直播 is a place-based institution, committed to embedding the principles of civic and community engagement in all its activities. The University plays a critical role in building engaged communities: creating opportunities and spaces for people to come together with government, business, industry and community partners to collaborate, share information and ideas, and develop solutions to the key issues facing our region.
Photo credit: Left and middle - Visit秘密直播; Right - Matt Whitcombe for Visit秘密直播